Dark spots and uneven skin tone is a cause for concern for many of us.
Hyperpigmentation is when we experience darker concentrations of melanin on the skin. This can happen to all skin types and anyone who's experienced burns, scars, or acne. Let’s get a better understanding of what hyperpigmentation is and how to cure it.
Types of Hyperpigmentation
There are three different types of hyperpigmentation. There’s age spots, melasma, and hyperpigmentation that appear after inflammation.
Age Spots - Age spots, which are also called liver spots, appear as dark spots on the skin after sun exposure. It can be found on the face or any part of the body that is regularly exposed to the sun. For this reason, we always recommend covering up from the sun, and wearing 30 SPF sunblock. All skin tones need to protect their beautiful skin from those harmful UV rays.
Melasma - Melasma is when large patches of dark skin appear on the face or stomach. Most women who are pregnant or taking birth control pills will experience melasma.
Post Inflammation - Many of us who have acne or eczema will also experience dark patches around those inflamed areas after the swelling has subsided. It’s also not uncommon to anyone who has experienced any sort of skin abrasion.
Natural Remedies for Hyperpigmentation

Apple Cider Vinegar- The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is a natural skin bleaching agent. Mix half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of honey and apply to spots for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. Repeat twice a week for a month for results.
Turmeric- turmeric is believed to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase which aids in the production of melanin. After multiple uses it has the power to exfoliate and lighten the skin, removing dead skin cells as it protects the skin from free-radicals. Its anti-inflammatory benefits and its ability to heal wounds make it a great solution for healing eczema, acne and hyperpigmentation. For this very reason Dornee’ has included this healing ingredient in both the Turmeric Neem Complexion Bar and the Luxe Glow Facial Polish. Treat yourself to a soft and even skin tone this summer, will you?
Aloe Vera- The aloin in aloe vera is a depigmenting agent, which can also speed up the production of new skin cells. Aloe vera is safe to use for nearly all skin types and will also work at hydrating the skin without a greasy feel.
Believe it or not there are many natural remedies for taming hyperpigmentation. If you’ve had a recent breakout and want to remove scarring or signs of hyperpigmentation follow up with our Soothe & Clear Balm created from a potent herbal infusion to naturally heal that skin.

If you have any questions about your skin condition and how to treat it, reach out to us. We’d love to help in any way we can!